Phone: 651-300-7241

USPS Change of Address

  Temporary moves have a 6 month maximum.
Name / Business

Old Address

Street Address


New Address

Street Address

Email Address:

I agree to all the Terms of Use and the privacy policy by submitting this form. I also hereby authorize you to file USPS documents on my behalf as an authorized agent and agree to all terms of service related to this website and it's parent company please allow up to 7 days for processing. By submitting this form you are also acknowledging that we are not the United States Postal Service and that we are a filing service working on your behalf. You understand that we prepare the necessary forms required to complete a change of address so you can print and mail from the convenience of your own home. There is a one time fee of $20.00 which includes our assistance with your USPS, IRS, and DMV change of address and many value added services and discounts. You also agree that once the form is prepared it is your responsibility to follow the instructions to successfully complete your change of address. I agree to not hold Address Change US, LLC responsible or ask for a refund for incorrect information you provided or lack of action on your part or any other party once the form is prepared and delivered to you.

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No longer need the Form 3575 we processed after your change of address submission? Cancel your order online now and we'll issue a refund on the credit card billed immediately.

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